Collaborative Brain Coaching

You have landed here because you are a collaboration pioneer.
One or both or these questions are on your mind:
1. How do you custom design how you live and work together?
2. What do you do with stress that happens in groups?
As Thinking Partners, we offer Collaborative Brain Coaching to individuals and groups to answer these very questions and get things moving with greater speed.
We have years of expertise:
Custom designing the collaborative relationship; determining and fine tuning direction, definition, ways of interacting and what you want to accomplish
Training groups to turn stress into greater clarity; defining who they want to be together
Time with a Collaborative Brain Coach will take you further, faster. It will help you engage your Connected Brain neural circuitry and effortlessly co-design a relationship that works for all because we focus on the tools and the process so that you can 100% focus on learning and growth.
Years of working with groups taught us that brilliant, self aware individuals don't naturally make for healthy collaborative spaces. As social scientists, we use the neuroscience of collaboration to wire the group for more clarity and less stress.